Come as you are.
And We Mean It!!!
Simply put, we are a Gathering Place of Black Sheep and Misfits...
The First Heavy Metal Church of Christ is a bible-based church for those that would probably never step foot into a traditional church building because of snooty self-righteous, judgmental, legalistic so-called "Christians"...
You know, the kind that tells you that you will go to Hell for drinking a beer, but yet Jesus turned water into wine! The kind that tells you that you will burn in Hell for smoking a cigarette because it is “harming the temple” while they are 150 pounds overweight and double-fisting McDonalds every day…
Please do not blame God for these imposters… They are NOT accurately representing Jesus plain and simple.
We are a Non-Denomination House of Misfits located at 1048 Patterson Rd. in Dayton, Ohio, and we would be HONORED to have you in for a visit!
All first-timers get a FREE Heavy Metal Church shirt, so what have you got to lose?
We bring in a different band every Sunday, ranging from Blues to Rock, so you are guaranteed to like something eventually!
God wants you EXACTLY the way you are at this very moment with NO STRINGS ATTACHED. Once you accept Christ as the Lord of your Life, He will begin to clean you up along the way with the rest of us!
We just want to love the Hell outta you in the process…
Brian Smith ~ Founder and Lead Teacher

about our church
Our Mission Statement
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
(Matthew 28:19-20)

Senior Pastor and Founder Brian Smith launched the First Heavy Metal Church of Christ on Sunday, June 19th, 2011 at a local VFW in Union, Ohio. On that day, approximately 70 people attended his service; 5 people came to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and 15 others re-dedicated their lives to Christ.
The FHMCC has grown from a small group of followers into a large Community Gathering Place of hundreds, with weekly outreach and ministry programs servicing the entire Dayton area and beyond! Online, they have developed a worldwide following of distant members that consider us home by tuning in LIVE, every Sunday at Noon. The Church has been featured on The Today Show, numerous local Dayton news shows, and in VICE Magazine. In just 12 years, the church has performed over 1,100 river baptisms, and that doesn’t include potentially thousands of salvations worldwide!
From the VFW in Union, Ohio, to a biker bar in Huber Heights, Ohio, to a vacant elementary school building, to a high school auditorium in Dayton Northridge, Ohio, to our own facility now in Dayton Belmont, Ohio, God has always provided a place for our Misfit Family of Christ Followers to worship and pray.
Now the only thing missing is YOU!!!
What we believe
One Holy God
Eternally existent in three persons: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Holy Bible
The inspired, infallible, authoritative source of Christian belief and teaching.
Created in the image of God but fallen, lost and powerless to save himself.
Jesus Christ
Virgin-born Son of God Who was crucified to take upon Himself the punishment for the sin of all mankind. He arose from the dead, thereby conquering sin, death and the grave. Jesus will personally return to the earth in power and glory.
Man's Only Hope
Belief in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
We Celebrate
Water Baptism and Holy Communion are among the ways we celebrate our hope in Jesus Christ.
Consistent with His earthly ministry, Jesus Christ still offers healing for the physical, relational and emotional pain in our lives.
The Holy Spirit
Dwells in those who receive Christ and empowers believers to live righteous and holy lives. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, along with its evidences, and the Gifts of the Spirit are available to believers today.
When a life is changed by the love of Christ, we begin a journey of becoming like Christ. It is displayed inwardly with love, joy, and peace. It is displayed outwardly in lives of integrity and is shown relationally by love and grace.
Life, as we know it, will come to an end. Jesus will return and show Himself to be "King of Kings." Everyone will be held accountable for the choices of their lives. A permanent, personal relationship with God, without the influence of evil and pain will be established for all who chose Christ. This will be Heaven forever.
we also believe:
The People
We are a melting pot of MISFITS that are all colors and denominations from ALL walks of life... We are REAL people that act the same seven days a week instead of being fake on a Sunday and hypocrite the other 6 days...
We are tattooed, pierced, and our Pastor loves a fine cigar with a top shelf Bourbon, so come on in and see what happens!
All first-timers get a FREE t-shirt, so what have you got to lose?
It doesn't matter what you wear, so PLEASE COME AS YOU ARE! Nobody dresses up here, EVER!
Have pushed more people AWAY from Christ and His church than they have brought to, because of judgmental, "holier than thou" attitudes. We are NOT like that here! We are REAL people with REAL LIFE PROBLEMS, and we may cuss a little.
Can be tough and messy! Once you accept Christ, He will clean you up along the way, and it takes a LIFETIME, so relax and lets do this life thing TOGETHER! Everyone is welcome here, and that means EVERYONE!
Heavy Metal
Means "Armor of God" and is not our only style of music... We bring in a different band every Sunday ranging from Christian Blues to Christian Rock, so don't worry about your face melting off every Sunday!
Skulls and Ozzy?
Let's face it, most people will never step foot into a traditional church anymore because of a bad experience with a certain church or group of Christians. We purposely go against the grain of a traditional LOOK because we are seeking people that DO NOT KNOW CHRIST plain and simple...
We teach the Bible, and WE HAVE A BLAST doing it, so DON'T BE SKEERD!!! Plus Jesus was crucified on SKULL HILL and who doesn't like Ozzy, come on?